Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Buddy Workout

It is BACK-TO-SCHOOL time, 
and what better way to celebrate than with friends?
So grab your wife, hubby, gal-pal, or neighbor and get moving!

For this workout, you need:
Water, a Buddy, and a dumbbell (10-15lb) or similar weight item!
Have fun!

Monday, August 26, 2013


It's Monday, 
and what better way to start off the week, 
than with an amazing workout?
This will require 110% effort. So don't hold back, don't reserve your energy.
Go hard until you can't, then rest until you can!
Bust out your tennis shoes and get going!

Beat the Clock!
Put 20 seconds on your timer. Begin by only completing 1 burpee in the first 20 seconds. 
You have the remainder of the 20 seconds to rest until you begin again, 
increasing the # of burpees each round by 1.
20 seconds. 1 burpee.
20 seconds, 2 burpees,
20 seconds, 3 burpees,
20 seconds, 4 burpees,

Sprint for 40 yards, at end, drop and do 10 Push Ups.
Turn around, sprint back the same 40 yards, complete 10 Squats.
Repeat above 5 times for a total of 10 Sprints, 50 Push Ups, and 50 Squats.

Hope you like this one!
I sure did!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Creamy Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie

It's a Foodie Friday and I just have to share this amazing smoothie recipe with you today. 

I know, I know, there are a million smoothie recipes, how is this one different from the others? Well, have you ever been to the mall and enjoyed one of those delicious smoothies they make at the kiosks/food courts that you know (after ordering and tasting them, of course) only seem healthy? Well I have and I LOVE them. But let's face it, any smoothie you get at the nearest health/smoothie shops never taste that good. This recipe was not an accident, but it definitely was not planned. I am NOT the "Oh this tastes so good, I will try and make a healthy copycat recipe at home" kind of girl. Actually, the last time I tried to make a healthy version of a pasta dinner it tasted like (bad) Chef Boyardee!!! Honest.

But don't let that taint your opinion of me yet! This smoothie was a surprisingly delicious happening.
 It is super simple and takes roughly 5 minutes to make if you have all the ingredients. 

Here's what you will need:

1 cup Strawberries*
1/2 a Banana*
1/4 cup Egg Beaters or Pasteurized Egg Whites 
(Don't worry, you wont taste them!)
Splash of Organic Half and Half
Splash of Orange Juice
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder

*I prefer to use frozen fruit and NO ice, but if you only have fresh fruit, 
add ice at the end until you get your desired consistency.
**Also, anytime I have bananas that are past their prime and turning brown,
 I just peel them, slice them, and throw them in a ziplock in the freezer. 
You can't tell if they are bruised when they are frozen, 
and it makes smoothie making on the fly THAT much easier!

Real Complicated Instructions:

Just throw all the fruit and liquids in the blender and blend.
I add my protein powder after I have blended the other ingredients together and then I blend it again. 
Add ice if necessary. 

Pour into a super fancy glass and ENJOY!
Straw optional! :)

Have extra smoothie in the blender?
I usually pour it in a plastic cup and put it in the freezer.
It makes a GREAT frozen treat post workout, when your sweet tooth is kicking in, 
or even as an after school snack for your kiddos!
 Just move it from the freezer to the fridge a few hours ahead of time.

Hope you get a chance to try it!

Nutrition Information: 
Calories 178, Carbs 23, Protein 18, Sugar 12, Fat 3, Fiber 3

Monday, April 15, 2013

30 Minute Sweat Session...Starts NOW!

Today's inspiration for this 30 Minutes of Madness post is the AMAZING weather we are having hear in North Texas! You can't beat this blue sky, cool breeze, sun, and the sound of birds chirping in the trees! I love this weather!

So, as we ALWAYS say at Camp Gladiator, it is time to TAKE IT OUTSIDE! Get up, go into the backyard, walk to the park, etc. You can take your kids, and workout at the same time! Now that's a Win-Win! 

You won't need any equipment for this workout, so just grab your water, a mat, and a towel, because you will be sweating bullets by the end of it!

Take a warm up lap around the playground or up and down your street to get your legs loose, then get ready to buckle down and work AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to get through the workout!

 10 Switch Lunges
a jump lunge where you switch feet during the jump

10 Shoulder Tap Push Ups 
between each push up, tap each shoulder with the opposite hand

100 High Knees 

10 Burpees

10 Alternating V-Ups
on your back, bend one knee and keep the other leg straight (knees should be touching)
with arms extended above your head, use your core to roll your upper body up until you touch your extended foot. Then alternate your feet each rep.

100 Mountain Climbers

Repeat whole sequence 5 times!

I hope you are having a good Monday,
now go get sweaty!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fat is not your enemy… SUGAR IS!

Eating a diet high in refined sugar is a leading cause of obesity in adults and kids. Many people think that eating fatty food is the main cause of weight gain, but that is not true. Sugar is what is making you fat.

So, which is better?
Bacon and Eggs or Bagel and Cream Cheese?

Although we say SUGAR is making you fat, what exactly constitutes sugar? More than you would think actually! We know that skittles, Fun Dip, sour punch straws, and soda all contain sugar. But, what about foods that don’t actually TASTE sweet? Did you know that when you eat a bagel, your body immediately converts it into sugar? What most people don’t know is that your body doesn’t know the difference between carbohydrates and sugar…because there is no difference. Your body uses sugar for energy. So every carbohydrate you eat is immediately converted to sugar and enters your blood stream. When your body needs to work (as in work-out/do a strenuous task) it uses the sugar that is already being pumped through your body for energy. But, what if your job requires you sitting all day? How much “energy” do you REALLY need? Not nearly as much as you are eating, that is for sure! That is why we are overweight and why diabetes is so prevalent in our society. We take in far too much sugar, and our bodies cannot handle it! If you are not USING that sugar as energy, your body then has to STORE it! Where does your body store it? Right around your midsection, thighs, arms, and anywhere else it can find. But guess what, when summer comes and you go on that low-fat diet, you won’t loose weight! WHY, you ask? Because low-fat foods tend to be loaded with sugars. If they take away all the fat, it doesn’t taste nearly as good as it did before, so they add sugar and high fructose corn syrup in fat’s place and call it “fat-free” and you think that is going to make you skinny, but it’s only going to make you fatter.

You have to realize that foods that contain fat are often high in other essential dietary nutrients, like protein and vitamins. Although there is fat in the bacon and eggs, there is also protein, something most carbohydrates lack. Protein keeps you feeling fuller longer, helps with muscle repair, and is ONLY stored as fat when you consume it in excess of your daily needs (this would probably only happen if you were supplementing with protein shakes and eating protein rich foods 6-8 times a day. You usually need to WORK to make that happen).

What should you take away from this?

Read the label and ingredients. When choosing a carbohydrate, read the INGREDIENTS. “Contains 2 servings of whole grain” DOES NOT mean it is a whole grain! The first ingredient should be unbleached whole grain wheat, or something similar!

Don’t be fooled. Marketing companies HOPE you only read the front of the product label! That’s why the nutrition label is on the bottom, back, or side!

Check it out! Not only does the label show that it is made with wheat, but if you read closely it says "lightly sweetened whole grain cereal". Is 12g of sugar really lightly sweetened?

Avoid nutrition labels that read: bleached flour, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, rice, corn, and anything you cannot read/don’t know what the heck it is! The best plan is to keep it simple and eat good, wholesome, whole grains (remember these are sugars, and the only ones you really need), and avoid the following:

       Canned or packed fruit (choose fresh/unsweetened frozen)
       Cakes / Pies / Pudding
       Muffins / Biscuits / Bagels
       Cereal bars / Some protein bars
       Sweetened breakfast cereal (even those that sound healthy)
       Specialty coffee drinks (chai tea lattes, frappes, etc.)
       Ice cream / frozen yogurt (beware of fat-free kinds)
       Soft drinks and energy drinks (even diet/sugar free ones)
       Bottled fruit juices (as opposed to you juicing it yourself)
       Sweetened or flavored milks and yogurts
       Condiments (ketchup, salad dressings, dipping sauces)

 Individuals who have food allergies or are sensitive to certain foods, or those who are looking to make changes to their diet plan should consult their doctor prior to making dietary changes.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

30 Minutes of Madness

Most days I have the ability to dedicate an hour or more to the gym. But on those days when life happens, and my schedule doesn't go as planned, I have to improvise. I recently wrote out a huge long list of CrossFit style 30 min workouts. These usually require no weights (or only one set of dumbbells), a max of 5 different exercises, and I can do it in my backyard or living room. I'm sure you are thinking, 30 min cannot be that hard, but don't let them fool you! These workouts have KICKED MY ASS to where I am more sore than after the gym! Right now, I am typing this blog post with burning calf muscles all thanks to my cute 30 Minutes of Madness I did yesterday, at 4:30am, before I ran CampGladiator! 

You MUST adopt the mindset of NO EXCUSES and commit to getting in your workout every day! Do not let a hiccup in your schedule RUIN the appointment you made with yourself for that workout.

So, ready to get your butt kicked? Craving burning calves like mine? Oh, and did I mention some sore shoulders and triceps as well? Then put on your tennies and grab your water, because your next 30 minutes is going to be tough! You will need a 18-24" step, rock, bench, etc. for this workout. Don't have something to use at home? Jog to the park down the road (we all have one. Remember, no excuses!) after you memorize the following and DO IT THERE!

4 Exercises:
Box Jump
Tricep Dips
Single Leg Step Ups (do all reps for each leg)
Johnny C's (start in plank position, push up to push up position, (that is 1 rep) and repeat)

Reverse Pyramid 
Do all exercises for listed number of reps before moving on the the next round of less reps.
20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20

REST AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Catch your breath for a few short seconds before jumping right back in. Try not to rest in the middle of an exercise, wait until you switch exercises or rounds.

I swear, it looks doable, but you will be questioning yourself in the middle. Don't let your brain psych you out! You CAN complete this! You WILL complete this!

Don't open yourself up to bad excuses!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Smart Snacking

It's mid-afternoon and you find yourself tired, bored, and a little hungry. When our blood sugar gets low, we tend to reach for foods that will give us energy immediately. Sugar is almost immediately absorbed into the blood stream after consumed, so our bodies crave it! To our bodies, sugar = energy. The trouble with this is, it doesn't last long. Sugar is a quick fix, but we are usually not satisfied after a bag of potato chips or a cookie from the break room. 

The key to smart snacking is a balance between protein, complex carbohydrate, and healthy fat.
To keep energy levels going (and avoid weight gain) steer clear of foods with lots of added sugars like candy bars or soda. Look for foods that contain fiber like whole-grain breads, cereals, fruit, and vegetables and combine them with protein-rich snacks such as peanut butter or low-fat yogurt or cheese.

Now, most of us begin the week with the intention of eating healthy, but in the midst of our afternoon at the office, under stress, exhausted, and so on, we are not craving carrot sticks or celery. So, how do we override what our brain tells us we crave and want? How can we resist those temptations in the moment and save those unnecessary calories for a better indulgence at a later time, or even better, omit them all together. 

Plan Ahead!

I cannot stress this enough. If you have 30 minutes to watch a TV show at any time during the week, you have time to pack some healthy snacks! Next time you are at the grocery store, grab some small reusable containers that you can keep full in the fridge, ready to be thrown into your bag! I also recommend to my clients, GET A LUNCHBOX! Long gone are the days of worrying what your friends will say when you show up at the lunch table with a lunchbox! Get one! Still worried that the office folk will poke fun at your box/bag? GET OVER IT! Your health is more important than their opinion, AND take a look at what they are eating for lunch. Are they making the same healthy decisions you are? Does that show? So, head to Target or Ross and buy one! They make nice insulated ones that work great for a few hours out of the fridge AND just look like a small tote bag.

Choose wisely! 

Always include a vegetable in your snack. Although fruits are important, fruits do contain sugar, and that can add up quickly during the day. (There is pretty much sugar in everything you eat...milk, yogurt, cereal, bread, coffee creamer, the list is endless. If you don't already count calories and sugars, I challenge you to one day to tally up how many grams of sugar are in everything you eat in one day). Make a plan to prepare all your vegetables after you get home from the grocery store! Immediately wash and portion out those veggies you are going to snack on during the week. A giant bag of carrots in the vegetable crisper doesn't do you any good when you open the fridge with 30 seconds to get in the car! You won't see it and you won't grab any to take with you! CONVENIENCE IS EVERYTHING!

Always include protein in your snack in addition to that veggie! A laughing cow cheese wedge, string cheese, a few pieces of lean deli meat (don't go overboard on sodium), Greek yogurt, peanut butter, almond butter, a small handful of almonds or walnuts, etc. I always encourage my clients to eat at least 15-20 grams of protein at a snack, because protein will help you feel satisfied longer than carbohydrate alone, carrying you from mid-afternoon all the way to dinner time!

Get Exotic!

The options for healthy snacking are endless! Explore new veggies you might not have eaten raw before. It doesn't have to be the old "ants on a log" celery and peanut butter, although that would be a great option! Try edamame, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans,  radishes, etc. Branch out and try something new! 

Don't Sabotage Your Healthy Snack!

DO NOT dunk those gorgeous veggies into store bought dressing! No ranch, creamy Italian, blue cheese, etc. Try making a healthier veggie dip at home. Greek yogurt is a great alternative to sour cream based dips, and can be doctored quite well with a little effort! 

Try this recipe for tzatziki, a take on the greek cucumber and dill yogurt dip.
It went over GREAT at a happy hour I held recently!

But, if you absolutely CANNOT live without your ranch (although I strongly urge you to break this habit), try mixing a teaspoons of Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning into a cup of Greek yogurt. You can avoid all the unwanted saturated fats and still enjoy that ranch dressing taste.

Do A Little Research!

Having trouble thinking of something healthy to eat? Or trying to figure out how to incorporate Greek yogurt into your snack? There are endless blogs, Pinterest boards, recipe sites, etc.! Instead of pinning that Nutella Creme Puff, try searching for some healthy ideas instead! Hop on over to my Pinterest board Healthy Eats for some ideas!

Happy healthy snacking!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Control Your Mind & Conquer Your Body

It is off-week for Camp Gladiator, but I am in TOTAL training mode (thanks to The Biggest Loser)!
Every Monday night I get butterflies as I watch this show, hoping that as a trainer I am able to impact as many lives as this show impacts! It is amazing. It isn't about changing your body, it is about changing your mind! You have to be strong enough to face your fears, emotions, unwelcome memories and more! If you think that you are 100lb overweight and yearn to "be that person who can run with their kids", etc. then you are never going to get there. You have to change your thinking. You have to BE, right now, the person that you are aiming to be. If you think you are already that healthy person, eating clean on most days, exercising regularly, it will not even be a challenge anymore. Olympians will tell you that they imagine themselves winning!! They imagine themselves standing on the winners podium, crossing the finish line first, and beating their competition. Change your thinking now! Imagine yourself running that 5K, eating healthy, cooking healthy for your family, and you will! I promise!

Stop thinking that you want to but you can't, and start thinking that you can and you WILL!

So now that you THINK you CAN complete this amazing workout, get ready, and DO IT! 
My campers LOVED this workout, and that is why I am sharing it with you today!
So now, say "I am going to kick this workout in the ASS" 
(pardon my french, but sometimes you just need to emphasize a point, and this is one of those times!)

Grab your weights, and let's go!

Do exercises 1-4 
Then pick a cardio break
Now do the SAME exercises backwards 4-1
The pick another cardio before moving on to the next set of 1-4
ALWAYS do 20 reps of each exercise, no exceptions!

100 High Knees or Fast Jacks
50 Mountain Climbers or Ground Rotations
25 Johnny C's/High Low Push Ups
20 Burpees (no weights)

1. Push Up with One Arm Rows (count rows)
2. Squat Jumps (with weight)
3. Jumping Jack with Shoulder Press
4. Lateral Arm Raises

CARDIO (don't forget to do the previous exercises in reverse before moving on)

1. Squat Stance Reverse Fly
2. Bridge with Chest Press
3. Tricep Kickback
4. Sumo Squat to Upright Row


1. Single Leg Deadlift (20 each leg)
2. Half Get Up (20 each arm)
3. Single Arm Swing (20 each arm)
4. Inchworms


1. Split Squat (20 each leg) *do not alternate legs during lunges, stay in a lunge position and do all reps 
2. Overhead Tricep Extension
3. Russian Twist
4. Weighted Burpee


It should take roughly 45 minutes and you have to push yourself and stop as little as possible. Move quickly but keep good form and execute each rep correctly. DO NOT cheat yourself by half-assing the reps or counting reps that you did not complete with correct form. You are only cheating yourself. Your mind will know it and your body will show it!

Check back soon for a video of the above exercises!

Enjoy this workout? Let me know how you did! 
Happy Lifting!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Savory Egg White Muffins

Savory Egg White Muffins

Recently, the issue of "no time for a good breakfast" has been a recurring theme with my clients. I realize that not everyone has ample time in the morning to get ready for work and school, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Your body has been resting all night and a good and wholesome breakfast is your body's equivalent to your psychological need for a cup of joe after rolling out of bed. Let's be honest, we don't need caffeine, (don't get me wrong, I still love my hot cup of coffee after a night of sweet slumber) but we DO need a protein rich something-or-other that will jump start our metabolism and keep us feeling full until mid-morning (when you will be eating your healthy protein rich snack, of course!).

Unfortunately, it's not only adults who are missing this vital meal, but kids too! I am currently training a 13 year old and convincing her to wake up 10 min earlier to eat breakfast before school is proving a challenge. Granola bars are great in a pinch (ones that are 10g+ of protein AND 6g- of sugar of course and should be limited to 1 a day), but what ever happened to eggs for breakfast? Well, life happened. Our time is valuable, and taking 15 min to make and clean up a full breakfast is often the last thing we want to do at 5, 6, or 7am. We've got exercise, spouses, kids, work, and pets to take care of, so here is a recipe that will help your mornings run a little smoother, all while providing much needed protein to start your day with a bang, not a whimper. 

I adapted this recipe from the one I found here. I mainly simplified it, because I am all about making things easy and creating as little cleanup in the kitchen as possible.

These muffins are pretty much a simple ready to eat omelette in the shape of a muffin. 

To make enough to fill 1 regular muffin/cupcake tin (12 muffins) you will need:
  • 1 large carton of egg white or egg substitute (I prefer better n' egg brand. It's texture is more like real eggs in my opinion and it is cheaper than egg beaters)
  • 1-2 cups fresh baby spinach
  • Any other vegetable you desire - peppers, olives, squash/zucchini, tomatoes, etc. anything will probably work and taste just delightful! 
  • Your choice of lean protein - I made 2 different kinds just to try it out and I used Banquet Turkey Sausage links (3 links diced and added to 6 of the muffins) and 3 slices of mesquite turkey breast from the deli for the other 6 muffins (any lean deli meat you have in the fridge would work)
  • 1/2 cup of cheese - I used shredded Colby jack, but you could use cheddar, parmasean, etc. 
  • Preheat your oven to 350F
  • Spray your muffin tin with a nonstick spray (Pam)
  • Fill the bottom of each muffin tin with spinach (I ripped mine a bit to make smaller pieces)
  • Add your meat and vegetables 
  • Fill each muffin tin evenly with egg substitute (mine were almost full, but not completely overflowing)
  • Bake for 15-20 min (check at 15 min, mine took around 23 min)
  • Take out and let cool in muffin pan for 5 min before removing
Here's how mine looked fresh out of the oven

Cuong enjoyed his with Van's Whole Grain Waffles

I opted for a Van's Whole Grain English Muffin with pb&j!

They really turned out great! Afterwards, we brainstormed other yummy combinations like a Denver omelette one with onions, peppers, ham, and salsa and advocado on top, or a turkey and cherry tomatoe with parmasean and fresh dill. You can play around with it and use whatever you have available in the fridge. It is also nice that if you have a picky eater, you can make some without that stuff they hate! :)

My plan is to make these every Sunday and keep them in the fridge so I can pop one or two in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and BAM! Breakfast is served!

Nutritional info:
 Each muffin had between 58-66 calories, 8g protein, 1-3g fat, 1-2g carb.