Author's Page

Hey there!

I'm Whitney Dewell, a personal trainer in the Dallas, Tx. area. I specialize in Pre/Post-Natal personal training, and run 4 locations of Camp Gladiator, a revolutionary adult outdoor fitness program. 

After spending years as a fitness enthusiast pumping iron in the gym, I found that people have a huge misconception about women's fitness. I was tired of the "high rep, low weight" rubbish society has been brainwashing women with for decades, and wanted to make a change and a difference in women's lives. And what better place to start, than with moms? Moms birth us, raise us, teach us, and help mold us into who we are today. They are a wealth of knowledge (and the latest news/gossip). If I am going to make a change in women's fitness, I can make the greatest impact by teaching expecting and new moms the actual importance of weight lifting and fitness, when only health (and not the number on the scale) matters. Muscle Mamas, a personal training program for Moms and Moms-to-be, is a way to empower women and show them that being strong is not only mental, but also physical. And Fit Moms mold healthy kids!

Last year, I found a company that shared my vision of changing the stereotype. Camp Gladiator is a revolutionary adult outdoor fitness program that is out to positively impact the physical fitness, and ultimately the lives, of as many people as possible. Bootcamp has gotten a bad wrap over the last decade or so. Our minds jump straight to yelling, military style, with trainers in cargo pants and combat boots. But there is more than just that out there. Camp Gladiator provides an amazing workout with a fun, upbeat and community oriented feel. There are high-fives, encouragement, pats on the back, and music pumping at every workout. At one time, you will have every fitness level (beginner-pro athlete) working on the same workout. Every workout is constructed with the ability to be modified or adjusted for any age or fitness level. I am just one of 70 absolutely amazing trainers in the DFW area, with more outstanding trainers across the nation. I am so blessed to be a part of this group, who is honestly on a mission to change lives through 60 minutes of amazing!

Outside of Training

Although personal training is my passion and my career, I do find time for other things :). I graduated from Southern Methodist University with a degree in Vocal Performance and did some Musical Theater work in the Dallas area after college, before I decided to make fitness my career. My boyfriend and I also own a food truck that operates out of Denton, Tx. called The Pickled Carrot. Cuong makes the most delicious banh mi sandwiches, salads, and noodle bowls, and I do all the business-y things as well as smile at the window and take orders on occasion! You can find me any other time with my adorable dogs Hamlet and Zoe, or with my family. I love living my busy, yet oh-so-gratifying life!

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