Monday, April 15, 2013

30 Minute Sweat Session...Starts NOW!

Today's inspiration for this 30 Minutes of Madness post is the AMAZING weather we are having hear in North Texas! You can't beat this blue sky, cool breeze, sun, and the sound of birds chirping in the trees! I love this weather!

So, as we ALWAYS say at Camp Gladiator, it is time to TAKE IT OUTSIDE! Get up, go into the backyard, walk to the park, etc. You can take your kids, and workout at the same time! Now that's a Win-Win! 

You won't need any equipment for this workout, so just grab your water, a mat, and a towel, because you will be sweating bullets by the end of it!

Take a warm up lap around the playground or up and down your street to get your legs loose, then get ready to buckle down and work AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to get through the workout!

 10 Switch Lunges
a jump lunge where you switch feet during the jump

10 Shoulder Tap Push Ups 
between each push up, tap each shoulder with the opposite hand

100 High Knees 

10 Burpees

10 Alternating V-Ups
on your back, bend one knee and keep the other leg straight (knees should be touching)
with arms extended above your head, use your core to roll your upper body up until you touch your extended foot. Then alternate your feet each rep.

100 Mountain Climbers

Repeat whole sequence 5 times!

I hope you are having a good Monday,
now go get sweaty!


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