Monday, March 11, 2013

Control Your Mind & Conquer Your Body

It is off-week for Camp Gladiator, but I am in TOTAL training mode (thanks to The Biggest Loser)!
Every Monday night I get butterflies as I watch this show, hoping that as a trainer I am able to impact as many lives as this show impacts! It is amazing. It isn't about changing your body, it is about changing your mind! You have to be strong enough to face your fears, emotions, unwelcome memories and more! If you think that you are 100lb overweight and yearn to "be that person who can run with their kids", etc. then you are never going to get there. You have to change your thinking. You have to BE, right now, the person that you are aiming to be. If you think you are already that healthy person, eating clean on most days, exercising regularly, it will not even be a challenge anymore. Olympians will tell you that they imagine themselves winning!! They imagine themselves standing on the winners podium, crossing the finish line first, and beating their competition. Change your thinking now! Imagine yourself running that 5K, eating healthy, cooking healthy for your family, and you will! I promise!

Stop thinking that you want to but you can't, and start thinking that you can and you WILL!

So now that you THINK you CAN complete this amazing workout, get ready, and DO IT! 
My campers LOVED this workout, and that is why I am sharing it with you today!
So now, say "I am going to kick this workout in the ASS" 
(pardon my french, but sometimes you just need to emphasize a point, and this is one of those times!)

Grab your weights, and let's go!

Do exercises 1-4 
Then pick a cardio break
Now do the SAME exercises backwards 4-1
The pick another cardio before moving on to the next set of 1-4
ALWAYS do 20 reps of each exercise, no exceptions!

100 High Knees or Fast Jacks
50 Mountain Climbers or Ground Rotations
25 Johnny C's/High Low Push Ups
20 Burpees (no weights)

1. Push Up with One Arm Rows (count rows)
2. Squat Jumps (with weight)
3. Jumping Jack with Shoulder Press
4. Lateral Arm Raises

CARDIO (don't forget to do the previous exercises in reverse before moving on)

1. Squat Stance Reverse Fly
2. Bridge with Chest Press
3. Tricep Kickback
4. Sumo Squat to Upright Row


1. Single Leg Deadlift (20 each leg)
2. Half Get Up (20 each arm)
3. Single Arm Swing (20 each arm)
4. Inchworms


1. Split Squat (20 each leg) *do not alternate legs during lunges, stay in a lunge position and do all reps 
2. Overhead Tricep Extension
3. Russian Twist
4. Weighted Burpee


It should take roughly 45 minutes and you have to push yourself and stop as little as possible. Move quickly but keep good form and execute each rep correctly. DO NOT cheat yourself by half-assing the reps or counting reps that you did not complete with correct form. You are only cheating yourself. Your mind will know it and your body will show it!

Check back soon for a video of the above exercises!

Enjoy this workout? Let me know how you did! 
Happy Lifting!


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