Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FATS That Keep You THIN!

While dieting/losing weight, most people think about cutting out fat. Fat free, low fat, and reduced fat, are all terms we associate with diets, but there are some fats that are healthy fats and yes, they can actually make you skinnier! Omega-3 Fatty Acids, also known as essential fatty acids, are necessary for your health, but must be obtained through food since your body does not actually make them. Many of you know that fish, such as salmon, halibut, and tuna are good sources of these healthy fats, as well as nut oils, but many people choose to take their Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of a supplement. There is currently no recommended daily intake for Omega-3s, so you should always consult your doctor or nutritionist before you start taking any supplements. I usually use a mix of supplements and food sources during the week to obtain my fatty acids. 

So we call them essential, but what do they actually DO?

Brain Health
Omega-3s play a huge role in brain function, and are vital for brain memory and development. When you don't get enough Omega-3s, you could experience symptoms such as fatigue, poor memory, mood swings, and depression.
Heart Health
Omega-3s may reduce your risk of heart disease! The American Heart Association recommends eating fish rich in omega-3s at least twice a week, which can reduce the risk of stroke in a person by as much as 50%. Omega-3s can help reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which are both risk factors for heart disease, which I might add, is the #1 cause of death in both men and women in the US! 

Digestive Health
Omega-3s are also lubricant for your digestive tract. It may not sound appealing, but when it comes to weight loss, don't neglect your food after you ingest it! You still have to digest it! While dieting or on a new healthy eating plan, many people experience discomfort due to the change in their diet, and most people do not eat enough fibrous foods, such as leafy greens and other fruits and veggies that would make your intestinal tracts job much easier! Omega-3s can help keep you normal and prevent uncomfortable constipation, which lets face it, can be a problem when you eat a high protein diet (and we all know the importance of protein!).
BONUS! Omega-3s can help bring moisture to your skin, harden nails, make hair shinier and healthier, and help you keep that youthful glow (especially in these winter months!). Nothing like an extra perk from something that keeps you healthy!

I personally have found much success in adding Omega-3s to my daily supplements, and I find that I actually stay leaner while taking them vs. not taking them. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself! 

(Always consult your doctor before taking supplements or implementing a diet plan.)

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