Monday, November 19, 2012

Fitness App Frenzy!

So it is Monday, 
one of my favorite days of the week
 (mainly because I am full of energy and well-rested from the weekend),
 and I have already started my morning off right with a killer Camp Gladiator workout with my amazing campers! They really know how to start the week off right!

I am so excited that this week is the week of Thanksgiving! I absolutely LOVE the holidays! I love everything about them, the food, the family, the decorations. There is really nothing that I dislike during the holidays, not even the long lines or crazy shopping center parking lots. I LOVE IT ALL!
With that said, I have to really keep on track with my own diet and exercise and with all the electronics that have taken over our lives, there are some great APPS and websites to help you keep track, because as we talked about yesterday, 1 cookie can turn into 10 cookies pretty quickly!

Here are a couple amazing APPS that really help to keep me on track!
Some even send you reminders when you have not logged your meals/workouts recently!
And BONUS...they are all FREE!

My ALL TIME FAVORITE website/app is:

This is the most functional app for me personally.
I am able to keep track of my food intake and my exercise in one place AND it breaks down your food into sub categories so you can track not only calories, but fats, sugars, carbs, protein, fiber, and pretty much whatever else you could track! It just takes a little time fiddling around on the website to set your information exactly how you like it!
NOTE: You can only see the breakdown of your food on the computer or on the ipad, 
but the iphone only shows your calorie intake.
You can also set your calorie intake, weight loss goals, etc. 
If you do not have access to a nutritionist, MyFitnessPal will set your goals for you (when it comes to meal breakdown). If you do have a nutritionist to consult with first, you can customize your goals to meet your personal needs.Around the holidays, my sweet tooth kicks in a bit, and this helps me monitor my sugar intake.
ALSO! You can get your friends in on it too, and they can see your daily logs for food and exercise! This really keeps my personal training clients on track because if they are sluggish in their workout, I can see if their diet on the day before had anything to do with it!

another great website/app is:

If you have a smart phone with internet, you can carry your phone with you on your jog, 
and the GPS will track your route, time, pace, distance, etc. 
It even interrupts your music to give you a time and pace update at each mile AND it uploads your run to your account on the web so you can see it later and compare it to previous runs.

my final app recommendation is:

First off, I have about 20 different Pandora stations. 
Recently I have been listening to my Frank Sinatra Holiday station while enjoying my chilly morning jogs. You can make a station centered around whatever song/artist of your choosing. It puts together a great array of songs by similar artists, with just a few ads thrown in there.
NOTE: Pandora pays for all the songs it plays, which is why they play ads, so I don't mind the occasional pitch if it means they are playing by the rules and it is FREE for ME!

Give these a try if you don't already! Get your friends in on it, make it a game! Maybe whoever gets closest to their goal on MyFitnessPal has to drive the group on Black Friday?

Do you have any other favorite fitness apps?
 Leave a comment and let us know!
And have a great Monday!

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